Turn ing the large knob changes the 100’s digit and the 1000’s
digit. The 100’s digit car ries to the 1000’s digit from 9 to 10 and
bor rows from 10 to 9. The two dig its roll over from 17 to 02 and
un der from 02 to 17 thus lim it ing the fre quen cies to the range of
to 1799H
B. STBY Fre quency
The STBY fre quency is dis played in the right win dow when the
FRQ mes sage is il lu mi nated. When this is the case, this fre quency
may be changed with the knobs in a man ner sim i lar to that ex -
plained above for the ac tive fre quency.
If the STBY fre quency is not be ing dis played it may be called to
the win dow by press ing the FRQ but ton. Pressing this but ton
when the STBY fre quency is dis played causes the cur rent STBY
and ac tive fre quen cies to be ex changed.
A. FLT/ET But ton
If elapsed time (ET) is cur rently dis played the FLT/ET but ton will
cause the flight timer to be dis played. Pressing this but ton again
will ex change the two tim ers in the dis play. If the STBY fre -
quency is dis played the FLT/ET but ton will cause the timer which
was last dis played to re ap pear in the win dow. (Note: When power
is first ap plied, the flight timer is dis played.)
B. Flight Timer
The flight timer is dis played in the right hand win dow when the
FLT mes sage is lit. This timer will count up to 59 hours, 59 min -
utes, 59 sec onds. When the unit is first turned on this timer is au -
to mat i cally started at 0. Min utes and sec onds will be dis played
un til a value of 59 min utes and 59 sec onds is reached. On the next
count the dis play will shift to hours and min utes.
FAA Approved: 03 Oct 1995
Revised: 17 Apr 1996