The right por tion of the dis play is al lo cated to NAV re ceiver USE
and STBY/RAD in for ma tion. The fre quency chan nel ing is the
same as the COMM, when op er at ing in the fre quency mode.
The NAV in cre ment/dec re ment knob is lo cated on the right hand
side of the front panel. The larger knob op er ates in 1MH
and in cre ments/dec re ments the STBY/PAD fre quency dis play.
The smaller knob op er ates in 50KH
steps. The NAV re ceiver’s
lower and up per fre quency lim its are 108.00MH
and 117.95MH
Ex ceeding the up per limit of fre quency band would au to mat i cally
re turn to the lower limit and vice versa.
Note: Only KX 165 has STBY/RAD win dow; KX 155
has STBY win dow only and will not give ra dial in for -
ma tion.
On the KX 165, when the smaller knob is pulled out, the VOR
bear ing is dig i tally dis played in STBY/RAD win dow. In the bear -
ing mode, the in cre ment/dec re ment knobs chan nel the USE fre -
quency win dow and de press ing the fre quency trans fer but ton will
cause the USE fre quency to be placed in blind stor age and the
STBY fre quency (in the blind stor age) to be dis played in the USE
win dow dis play. In ra dial mode of op er a tion, the right hand win -
dow of NAV dis play shows the bear ing FROM the sta tion and
when due to weak sig nals, a dig i tal flag "---", will be dis played in
the ra dial win dow. Also, when an ILS fre quency is se lected, the
dig i tal flag "---" is dis played in the ra dial win dow.
On the KX 155, when the smaller knob is pulled out, the in cre -
ment/dec re ment knob chan nels the USE fre quency win dow and
de press ing the fre quency trans fer but ton will cause the USE fre -
quency to be placed in blind stor age and the STBY fre quency (in
the blind stor age) to be dis played in the USE win dow dis play, a
dig i tal flag "---", will be dis played in the STBY win dow.
The NAV USE and STBY fre quen cies are stored in the mem ory on
power down and re turn on power up. On power up, if an er ror is
de tected in the stored fre quen cies, the unit will dis play 110.00
in both USE and STBY/RAD win dows. The unit does not
store the VOR bear ing on power down.
FAA Approved: 03 Oct 1995
Revised: 17 Apr 1996