F I&O Manual
RD: APR 2019
RL: 02C
specific horizontal vent requirements:
The vent terminal of an appliance with an input up to 50,000 Btu/hr (14.7kW) shall be in-
stalled with a 9 inch [230mm] vent termination clearance from any air opening into a building,
and an appliance with an input over 50,000 Btu/hr (14.7kW) shall have at least a 12 inch
[305 mm] vent termination clearance. The bottom of the vent terminal and the air intake shall
be located at least 12 inches [305 mm] above grade.
A horizontal vent will not terminate:
Less than 3 ft [915 mm] above a mechanical air inlet located within 10 ft [3 m].
Less than 4 ft [1219 mm] below, 4 ft [1219 mm] horizontally from, and 1 ft [102 mm]
above any window or door that opens, or gravity air inlet to a building.
Less than 4 ft [1219 mm] horizontal clearance from gas and electric meters, regulators
and relief equipment.
specific horizontal vent requirements:
A horizontal vent will not terminate:
Within 6 ft [1830 mm] of a mechanical air supply inlet to any building.
Above a gas utility meter and regulator assembly within 3 ft [915 mm] horizontally of
the vertical centerline of the regulator vent outlet to a maximum vertical distance of 15
ft [4.5 m].
Within 3 ft [915 mm] of any gas pressure regulator vent outlet.
Within the following distances of a window or door that can be opened in any building,
of any non
mechanical air
supply inlet to any building, or of the combustion air inlet of
any other appliance:
12 inches [305 mm] for inputs up to and including 100,000 Btuh (30 kW).
3 ft [915 mm] for inputs exceeding 100,000 Btuh (30 kW).