04.00|1400904 NSP 140, NSP-S 140 |en-US
Dynamic pressure monitoring and blow-out function for
cleaning the flat surface
The quick-change pallet module NSP features dynamic pressure
monitoring. Two channel holes are located on each of the four
raised clamping ring locating surfaces of the clamping system in
order to monitor the dynamic pressure. It is therefore possible, for
example, to monitor the volumetric flow on the bearing surface of
the quick-change pallet module using an electronic flow meter.
When unlocking or locking the clamping module, differential
volumetric flows prevail on the bearing surface, achieved by the
integrated lifting function. In addition, the air control air bores
provide a blow-out function to clean the flat surface (see chapter
"Clamping function" - Locking
). A further blow-
out function is used to clean the taper of the clamping ring.
When using this control and cleaning function, it must be ensured
that the clamping ring is in the right position orientation. The
cylinder head countersinks of the clamping ring must not be
positioned on the air outlet holes of the clamping module, since
otherwise the blast air will escape and it will not be possible to
achieve a measurable difference in volumetric flow.
The measurable volumetric flow must not exceed 0.6 l/min in
order to allow an enabling signal to be sent to the control
system. At this volumetric flow, the maximum distance between
the NSP and clamping ring is <0.03 mm.
The measurable differential pressure must reach a minimum of 1
bar for assessment via the air gap sensor to be reliable. The
maximum pressure is 2 bar and 15 l/min volumetric flow.
Monitoring requires a pressure gauge, an adjustable throttle and
an air gap sensor.
The clamping modules of a clamping station can be connected in
parallel and monitored via a pressure switch.
The air connection is made the standard way via the coupling bore
on the lower face side of the quick-change pallet module. For
information on sealing the air connection, please refer to chapter
"Fastening and connection"
. Use of the air
control function is not mandatory for the basic operation of the
clamping module.