03.00|1341130_ROTA NCR-A |en
Chuck from size 250
Remove screws (item 39) and take off cover (item 34).
Disassemble the three stop pins (item 40). (The pins can be
unscrewed on the 2-edge).
Completely unscrew screw (item 33) from the piston.
Secure loose pins (item 31) separately.
The rotatable screw (item 10) can only be actuated directly
using an Allen key.
Lift the chuck using lifting equipment on the eye bolt so that it
is flush with the center of the spindle.
Screw the rotatable screw (item 10) onto the draw tube using
the assembly key as far as this will go.
Tighten the chuck mounting screws (item 60) alternately.
Check radial and axial run-out at the checking edge.
Check the jaw stroke of the base jaws and that these can move
Screw screws (item 33) together with pins (item 31) into the
piston (item 3) as far as it will go (pendulum locking is active).
Assemble the three stop pins (item 40).
Place cover on (item 34) and tighten with screws (item 39).
Attach top jaws according to the marking to the base jaws.
The spindle is disassembled in the same way but in the reverse
The following must be taken into account during chuck assembly:
The attachment of the chuck to the machine spindle must be
designed in such a way so that when the chuck is open, a safety
distance between the piston (item 3) and cover (item 34) or from
size 400 between the piston (item 3) and the chuck body (item 1)
of 0.5
+ 0.5
mm is adhered to.
The stop when opening the chuck must take place via the
activation cylinder and may not take place in the chuck!