Maintenance and care
03.00 | CLM | Assembly and operating manual | en | 389015
7.1.4 CLM 50, 100 and 200
Seal kits are available as a standardized wearing parts set. All seals
are included.
Order Number
• CLMDI 050 ID number0314216
• CLMDI 100 ID number0314218
• CLMDI 0200 ID number0314220
Spare part designation of the shock absorbers:
Order Number
• LMST 50-KT, ID number0314166
• LMST 100-KT, ID number0314168
• LMST 200-KT, ID number0314172
Sectional drawing CLM 50, 100, 200
According to the sectional drawing all other wear parts and
components are available separately.
Wear parts
Item 14, 26, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 38
Order numbers in the following example
Part-No. 1 CLM 100 – H075 – 01