AD-400 /AD-401 Networked Wireless Lock User Guide
Only one AD-400/AD-401 can be linked at one time. Ensure that
no other PIM400 units are in link mode during this process.
1. Make sure that the batteries are installed in the AD-400/AD-401.
on page 11 for more information.
2. Make sure that the PIM400 is in link mode.
For PIM400-TD2: Hold down one of the LINK buttons. (LINK
button 1 or 2 will assign the AD-400/AD-401 door number).
For PIM400-485: Use SUS to put the PIM400-485 into LINK
mode with the door number tab and assign the AD-400/AD-401
door number. See the SUS User Guide for more information.
3. Open the AD-400/AD-401 door.
4. Create a request-to-exit condition by holding down the inside
lever or crash bar.
If using a crash bar, Request to Exit (RTX) must be installed.
If RTX is not installed, temporarily short the RTX input on the
lock main PCB during this procedure.
5. While holding down the lever or crash bar, present a card to the prox or mag card reader. For a
keypad reader, press the “#” key.
6. Continue to hold down the lever or crash bar until the AD-400/AD-401 Schlage button starts to
blink green, indicating that the link process has begun (approximately 8 seconds).
7. Release the inside lever or crash bar.
8. The Schlage button will blink green, and the beeper will beep.
The number of green blinks and beeps indicates the frequency channel number on which the
lock is linked to the PIM400 (example: 3 blinks and beeps = channel 3).
9. If the link fails, the Schlage button will blink red three (3) times and fi ve (5) short beeps will sound.
The PIM400 will remain in link mode. Carefully repeat steps 1-8 above. If repeated LINK attempts
fail, change the frequency channel of the PIM400 and/or move the PIM400, then repeat steps 3-7.
10. Test the lock for normal operation. See
Test Lock Operation
on page 8 for more information.
Re-linking is required anytime the AD-400/AD-401 or the PIM400 is moved or replaced, Dynamic
Channel Switching is activated, deactivated, or the frequency channel is manually changed.
To re-link, repeat the procedure above. The AD-400/AD-401 link to the PIM400 is retained in the event
of power loss.
Link LED and Beep Reference
1 Red,
1 Green
One link request was sent to fi nd a PIM400 in link mode. This will
repeat once and then the lock will stop trying to fi nd a PIM400.
1 Green
Successful RF packet transmission
1 Red
Unsuccessful RF packet transmission
Z Green
Linking was successful
3 Red
Linking was unsuccessful
1 Z = Frequency channel number on which the lock is linked (1-10). The frequency channel number of each PIM400
in the area should be known and recorded. Use this information to make sure the AD-400/AD-401 linked to the
intended PIM400.
During linking, the Schlage
button will blink red and
green. Green blinks indicate
successful packets and red
blinks indicate unsuccessful
packets. If you get several
red blinks, the lock and
PIM400 may still link,
but you may experience
intermittent communication
in the future. You should
move the PIM400 closer
to the lock, select another
RF channel or add another