Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fit the mouthpiece, the inha-
lation valve (dark blue) and the
exhalation valve (light blue)
onto the nebuliser head as
shown. Make sure that the in-
halation valve is fitted with the
valve disc facing downwards
and the exhalation valve with
the valve disk facing upwards.
Lift up the hand unit and press
the button “ON/OFF“. Two yel-
low function lamps light up to
show that the unit is operation-
al (Fig. 5).
A few seconds after the unit has
been switched on the aerosol
mist forms below the baffle
plate. The mist remains within
the unit until you inhale.
Bring the hand unit up to your
mouth. Lay the front of your
tongue on the mouthpiece and
put your lips around it.
Upon inhalation the correspon-
ding quantity of aerosol will
directly penetrate the airways.
Inhale the aerosol as instructed
by your physician.
• Always breathe in and out
through the inhalation unit.
Exhalation valve
Inhalation valve
Exhalation valve
Inhalation valve
infracontrol seiten engl. 03.04.2003 15:23 Uhr Seite 11