Abb. 3
It is recommended that gloves
be worn when cleaning the
unit. Suitable cleaning agents
include Palmolive and Fairy
Ultra and Gigasept, Kohrsolin
or Sekusept may be used for dis-
infection. The hand unit and
the accessories should be wash-
ed under warm running water.
The hand unit, nebuliser head,
mouthpiece, baffle plate, valves,
sealing ring and filter holder
should be disinfected in a plas-
tic container that is suitable for
use with disinfectants. They may
be cleaned in a dishwasher or
disinfected in a vaporizer. The
nebuliser head, mouthpiece,
baffle plate, valves, sealing ring
and filter holder may be boiled
or autoclaved at up to 134°C.
The individual parts and the
unit itself should be carefully
dried after cleaning and disin-
fection. See the Hygiene Table
on page 19.
Please note:
Alternating between disinfec-
tion and autoclaving is not suit-
able as this would shorten the
working life of the unit.
It is recommended that users
in Germany use one of the dis-
infectants listed in the current
DGHM* list. Preparations based
on compounds that release
halogens, strong organic acids
and oxygen-releasing com-
pounds are not suitable as they
may damage the material of
the inhalation unit.
*German Society for Hygiene
and Microbiology.
• Do not use solvents such as
acetone or benzene
• Do not allow water or disin-
fectant solution to enter the
electrical connections (power
socket) of the hand unit.
infracontrol seiten engl. 03.04.2003 15:23 Uhr Seite 16