In MIDI mode, the Mute, Solo, Skillet, Right
Pan, Window, rotary, and touchscreen buttons
send MIDI Note messages from Skillet Port 1:
Mute (left):
note 7 (G -2)
Mute (right):
note 17 (F -1)
Solo (left):
note 8 (G# -2)
Solo (right):
note 18 (F# -1)
Skillet (left):
note 4 (E -2)
Skillet (right):
note 14 (D -1)
Right Pan (left):
note 5 (F -2)
Right Pan (right):
note 15 (D# -1)
Window (left):
note 6 (F# -2)
Window (right):
note 16 (E -1)
Rotary (left):
note 80 (G# 4)
Rotary (right):
note 81 (A 4)
note 31 (G 0)
note 32 (G# 0)
note 33 (A 0)
note 34 (A# 0)
note 35 (B 0)
note 36 (C 1)
The X-Axis, Y-Axis, and Z-Axis buttons will
send value 64 on their associated joystick CC#,
useful for linking a joystick axis to a MIDI
Learn object in a virtual instrument. In high-
resolution mode, these buttons will send values
on both the MSB and LSB controller numbers.
Sending a CC# value to Skillet Port 1,
corresponding to one of the faders’ current
CC#’s, will move the fader correspondingly.
Similarly, sending a MIDI Note message with
velocity 127 to Skillet that corresponds with
the Mute, Solo, Right Pan, or Skillet buttons,
will turn the LED for that button on. A MIDI
Note message with velocity 0 will turn the
corresponding button’s LED off.
Skillet ports 2 and 3 are not used in MIDI mode.