1. Envelopes may be processed in batches, or evenly spread out within the inspection chamber.
2. Larger packages or briefcases should be placed towards the centre of the unit and processed flat
and one at a time.
3. Any item screened which shows the presence of anything unusual (i.e., wires, electrical switches,
batteries etc), or which contains high density (black) materials which cannot be penetrated should
be treated with extreme caution.
4. If the item appears suspicious, security staff should be alerted and the appropriate security
procedures implemented.
SCANNA strongly recommend that users of X-ray inspection equipment implement proper security
procedures for dealing with suspect packages.
SCANNA also recommend that operators have appropriate training in the recognition of suspect
packages and X-ray image identification. Contact SCANNA or your local Police/Law Enforcement
Agency for advice on suitable courses.
Be sure to display contacts and appropriate emergency telephone numbers adjacent to the unit.