SBS-6500 User Manual
Storage Battery Systems, LLC.
If Pins do not contact 0 ADJ kit within ten seconds after
key is
pressed, 0 ADJ will not proceed.
When the 0 ADJ value is out of range, the SBS-6500 will display an error message
and the adjustment procedure will stop.
0 ADJ is conducted on each range in order.
When adjustment is completed, a confirmation message is displayed.
During 0 ADJ, an error can occur if the adjustment value is not achieved in normal
condition or attains a value above certain level.
Adjustment value achieved is over 300 counts.
Test probes are not connected to tester.
If there is foreign material on 0 ADJ board.
Passes ten seconds after 0 ADJ started.
[0 ADJ progress display]
[0 ADJ complete display]
[0 ADJ Error Warning]
[0 ADJ Error Result]