Satelco AG | Seestrasse 241 | CH-8804 Au/Wädenswil
Tel. +41 (0) 44 787 06 07 | Fax +41 (0) 44 787 06 08 | e-mail: [email protected] |
Seite 7
Here is an example with other network options;
Notation words not part of the configuration
Blank Line
Blank Line
Required Nameserver
Optional Nameserver
nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8888
– IPV6 type Nameserver
nameserver 2001:4860:4860::8844
– IPV6 type Nameserver
Save static.txt file once you are sure the information has been entered correctly and
exit the file.
If you have not loaded the desired MP3 file to the USB Configure Drive, please do
so now so that when the configuration is complete you will be able to hear it when the
audio file starts to play. If the configure was successful the audio will be deleted from the
USB drive automatically.
Now take your Configure Stick to your MOH Professional 60. Make sure the MOH
Professional 60 is not plugged into a power source. Insert the Configure Stick into the
USB port on the front of the MOH Professional 60. Press the test speaker button and plug
the power adaptor supplied into an AC power socket and into the MOH Professional 60.
The configuration information will be loaded into MOH Professional 60. When you hear
the audio playing (takes about two minutes to download) you will know the MOH
Professional 60 configuration is complete. Then you do a reboot by the static IP on the
player to update. Remove the AC adapter from the player and connect the power supply
after a few seconds again.
If the audio does not play that means something did not load correctly. Pull the Configure
Stick out of the unit, insert it into your laptop or desktop computer and open the drive up. A
file called status.txt should have popped up. This will tell you what error occurred. Please
fix the error and repeat the configure process.
You may delete the status.txt file at any time.
2.3 Restoring your MOH Professional 60
Insert the restore drive into any computer and type the security key
of the MOH
Professional 60 into the first line of the restore.txt file. Disconnect the power to your MOH
Professional 60 unit. Insert the restore USB drive into the MOH Professional 60 unit and
plug in the power cable. The restore USB drive will remove all configuration information
from the player and the MOH Professional 60 unit will be returned to the factory setting.
You will know this operation has been completed when the unit powers itself down. This
process takes about one minute. The MOH Professional 60 unit is now ready to be
reconfigured for a new location.