9. M
Changing the state of outputs and bypassing the inputs of the GSM-4S module can be effected
remotely (by tone from telephone keypad, by SMS message, through CLIP), locally (using the
module keys, by tone from terminals T-1, R-1), and also by violating the selected input.
9.1 R
Tone control from telephone keypad
To have the remote control by dual tone phone push-button, it is necessary to properly
program the module by using the service functions, as follows:
Set the required Time of ringing (keep in mind that for value "0" the module will not
answer any calls, thus making control through DTMF impossible),
Program codes (4 digits) for controlling the status of outputs and for the bypass of inputs.
The contents of the controlling codes are loaded into the module’s memory by the service
functions contained in the submenu of the service mode DTMF control. The codes may
not recur. To erase the code completely (to disable a given function), simultaneously press
push-buttons CHANGE and NEXT.
For remote controlling the status of the outputs or bypassing/unbypassing the inputs follows
the sequence:
Dial the SIM300CZ telephone number from any telephone having DTMF features
Wait until "time of ringing" is completed after which the module will answer a call and
generate three short sounds (beeps) acknowledging that the module is ready to have the
DTMF controlling.
Note: When receiving a call, the module applies ringing tone to extension line for the
duration equal to "time of ringing". Answering a call from this extension line makes it
impossible to bypassing/unbypassing.
Enter from dual tone phone keypad the required control code (utilizing DTMF tone signals).
After recognizing the code by the module, the respective action will be taken, depending on
the code loaded. For example, recognizing the code loaded in the module by the function
DTMF OT2 on will switch on the OUT2 output, while recognizing the code programmed by
the service function DTMF bypass IN4 will bypass the supervision of input 4.
The module acoustically acknowledges the execution of the function by audible indication
as follows:
three short beeps – switching OFF the output (disconnecting the ground), the signal
will also acknowledge execution of the function DTMF OT123 off (disabling all
outputs simultaneously),
four short and one long beeps – switching ON the output (short circuit to ground),
such signal also acknowledges the execution function DTMF OT123 on (switching
ON all outputs),
after bypassing/unbypassing the input, the module automatically checks the status of
the inputs and generates four sounds corresponding to the status of consecutive
inputs (1–4):
short beep – input unbypassed,
long beep – input bypassed,
(for instance: the sequence of signals – short, long, short, long indicate that inputs
1 and 3 are unbypassed, and inputs 2 and 4 are bypassed),