LEDs will indicate which of the functions are activated (a LED on signals activity of a
function). The number of the function to be blocked or unblocked should be entered.
After unblocking of the chosen functions the [#] key should be pressed. The following
functions are possible:
1 alarm upon entering three wrong access codes,
2 PANIC alarm available,
3 the entry delay countdown signaling,
4 access code number 3 activates silent armed mode (signaling with the devices
attached to outputs OUT1 and OUT2 is deactivated – the alarm condition is signaled
through the keypad sounder).
The zones bypassed with access code 3 arming (function 9)
Enter any of the two master access codes and press the [*] key. The panel will confirm
the correct code entry with two beeps and will wait for the function number entry (the
[ARMED] and
[ALARM] LEDs will blink simultaneously). Press the
9 key. After entering the programming mode (the panel will confirm the entry with three
beeps, the
[ARMED] and
[ALARM] LEDs will blink in turns) the
zones' numbers to be additionally bypassed should be entered. After programming the
panel the [#] key should be pressed.
Programming the panel enables its users to adjust it to specific requirements of an alarm
In CA4-V1 the following parameters are user-programmable:
bypassing zones (for example, not used),
set delay zones (for protected facility easy entry),
set 24-hour zones,
entry delay time,
exit delay time,
the OUT1 output alarming time,
the OUT2 output alarming time, or the signaling mode of the output.
Programming is possible with 10 service functions which are available the panel's activation
in the service programming mode with a special service code. The mode is sustained until
deactivated with an appropriate function.
On entering the programming mode the panel blocks any alarms showing only zone status.
[ARMED] and
[ALARM] LEDs blink simultaneously and on
activating the function program the LEDs blink in turns.
Service functions
Below there is a list of all available service functions. The panel sound reactions to keys
pressed are marked with dots where one dot = one beep.
If the reaction to a key pressed are two long sounds it means that the wrong key has been
used. In such case the parameter being programmed won't be changed.