Test thermostat operation as described in the following section.
ELECTRIC/GAS JUMPER (Fan Option)------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------
Read the following information before clipping the non-electric heat jumper 1 (See figure 1). If you are
unsure of your application, contact a qualified service person.
This thermostat is configured from the factory to energize the fan on a call for heat. If your system is an
electric heat that REQUIRES the thermostat to turn on the fan on a call for heat, place do not cut Jumper1.
If your system does not require the thermostat to energize the fan on a call for heat such as fossil fuel (gas,
oil, etc.), forced air system as well as hydraulic heating systems, place cut the jumper1.
BATTERY OPERATION------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The thermostat is powered by 24VAC. Batteries are not required for proper operation, but with two “AAA”
batteries installed, your thermostat will maintain time and continuously display the temperature during a
loss of power.
WIRING DIAGRAMS---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Figure 3