The Sapling Company, Inc.
1633 Republic Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
P. (+1) 215.322.6063
F. (+1) 215.322.8498
Connecting the GPS cable to the master clock is easy: screw that end of the cable into the dedicated port
on your master clock.
Continue by connecting the GPS Antenna to a roof. When installing the GPS antenna, pick a location
where the antenna has a clear line-of-sight to as much of the sky as possible, such as on top of the roof.
Avoid locations that are blocked by trees, tall buildings, metal exhaust vents, large rock formations, and
canyon walls. Do not mount the device inside, on, or immediately outside of a window, as these locations
do not promote reliable signal acquisition.
1. Thread the GPS cable through the mounting
bracket and pole.
2. Screw the end of the GPS cable to the connector
on the GPS antenna. The assembly should now
look like the picture on the right.
3. Insert one end of the pole into the mounting
bracket. While holding the base stationary,
twist the pole counter clockwise until it is firmly
screwed into the base.
4. Insert the other end of the pole into the bottom
of the antenna. While holding the pole stationary,
twist the antenna counter clockwise until it is
firmly screwed onto the pole.
5. If you are using a metal pole, attach a grounding
wire to the pole.
6. Attach the completed assembly to the roof.
7. Within 30 minutes, the antenna should acquire a
GPS signal.
Installing a Master Clock - GPS Antenna (Optional)
If your master clock is set to receive GPS time data
as its primary time input, a loss of GPS time data
will cause a red blinking circle to appear above and
to the left of the third digit on the LED time display.
The circle will blink on and off until the signal is regained, or until a different primary input is set (such as
an NTP server). After completing the installation,
make sure that this LED is not blinking.
GPS Cable Connector
GPS Mounting Pole
(Optional Accessory)
GPS Mounting Bracket
GPS Cable leading to
Sapling Master Clock
GPS Antenna