Skin color is very important. For white to light color, you can adjust the laser power up to
80~100% for a higher performance, and the energy can be adjusted to 40~90J/cm2. For light
color to light brown, you need a lower laser power (30%~60% for example), with a longer pulse
width to protect any skin burning. Also you need to extend the treatment time for the dark skin
to inject enough energy to the skin and follicles.
The skin must be shaved before treatment.
The handle piece is better to be operated at
mode. It is faster for treatment.
Skin contact gel is no necessary for treatment. It won’t make the treatment better or improve
the skin feeling.
You need to wait for several minutes before the cooling tip becomes cold.
Keep contact between the cooling tip and skin. And you can also use the edge of the Aluminum
head of the handle piece to cool down the skin during treatment.
Never shot the laser pulses to eyes, or watch the laser directly.
Chapter 5: Maintenance and Warranty
This chapter descript the daily maintenance including cleaning the system, cleaning the crystal.
Water Filter
The water filter is in the machine. It is better to change a new one in 1-3 months. It needs to open
the back panel of the machine to change it. Please contact supplier for how to change it.
The water must be checked and changed every 6 months.
The machine must be operated in a room with air-conditioner. The room temperature is better
The environment temperature can not go below ZERO, or the ice may damage the water tanks
and water channels inside the machine and the handle piece.
Clear the gel on the handle piece and make sure there is no dust attached on the handle piece
Do not bend the tube of the handle piece too hard, or this may cause flow switch ERROR.
Do not plug in & out the handle piece connectors frequently. This may cause bad connections
and may cause water leakage or not well electrical connections.
Do not shot the laser at random targets, or it may cause burning or fire.