S&C Instruction Sheet 1045M-510
Installing the Rotating Switch Operator
Failure to properly install pipe couplings with piercing set screws can cause slip-
page of the operating pipe, resulting in improper operation of the switch, arcing,
equipment damage, or electrical shock.
To properly install piercing set screws:
(a) Back the piercing set screw out of the coupling so the tip does not protrude into
the space for the pipe.
(b) Insert the operating pipe section into the coupling and finger-tighten the clamp
(c) Adjust the operating pipe to the correct length, and then tighten the clamp
bolt(s) to final tightness.
(d) Tighten the piercing set screw, piercing the pipe, and continue turning until a
firm resistance is felt.
(e) Make sure the clamp bolt(s) are tight.
S&C supplies piercing set screws (see Figure 5 on page 14) and/or ribbed-
neck bolts with all the vertical operating pipe couplings and universal joints.
They pierce into the vertical operating pipe and keep the pipe from rotating in
the various couplings. It is very important to check all piercing set screws. If
not properly pierced, the vertical operating pipe will rotate in the couplings.
Always make sure to tighten the clamp portion of the joint before piercing the
set screw. This makes sure the screw pierces the pipe instead of collapsing the
pipe. The piercing screws will be observed to pierce the pipe when the effort
to screw them in reduces. When pierced, finish tightening the screw. If there
is a gap between the head of the screw and coupling (see Figure 6 on page 15),
that is permissible, as long as the screw pierces the pipe.
: Leave the piercing set screw that connects the operator output shaft
universal coupling to the vertical operating pipe (see Figure 8 on page 20) for
the very last screw to pierce the pipe, but do not pierce until Step 11 on page 18.
Make sure the operator is rigidly fastened to pole. A loosely mounted opera-
tor can manifest itself as control errors, just like piercing screws that were
not pierced. In both these cases, there is nothing wrong with operator, but the
customer would see operator errors if one of these conditions exists. The switch
should be in the fully
position before piercing the pipe (most
likely open, but either is fine). This becomes important when positioning the
operator in Step 10 on page 22, so the operator has the full amount of available
room to operate. Figure 5 on page 14 shows several example locations of these
piercing set screws. Parts may not look exactly like those shown.
The clamp that holds the universal joint to the pipe (see Figure 8 on page 16)
must be tightened around the first section of vertical operating pipe (but don’t
pierce the set screw) so the switch can be operated with the manual handle
supplied with the operator. This is necessary for Step 7 on page 20.
Mount the switch operator on the pole at the proper height and alignment.
The switch operator must be mounted immediately underneath the vertical
control rod, with the control rod directly above the shaft on the top of the
switch operator. The control rod must be close to the switch operator shaft
-inch (3 mm) to
-inch (10 mm) is the preferred distance), but direct contact
is not permitted. The vertical position of the switch operator on the pole must
be adjusted to allow for this requirement. If necessary, the switch operator rod
can be cut shorter or an optional extension joint can be fitted. Manual control
of the switch will still be possible by using the manual control lever stored
inside the switch operator.
It is essential to mount the switch operator in a manner that will resist
loosening as the mounting surface ages and as the installation vibrates due to
wind. S&C recommends the use of double-coil lockwashers when mounting the
operator to a wood pole. The mounting instructions below are only recommen-