Leaven fruit cake
Dough (approximately):
500 g of wheat flour, We can also put boiled millet into
the dough – this kind of cereal is very good in
combination with fruit.
150 g of leaven (approximately – if there is less
leaven, the dough rises more slowly)
50 g of vegetable fat (or sunflower oil / rapeseed oil +
olive oil - in this case we use less water)
It is possible to use raisins too (boiled ones are better).
You can try also roasted ground flax seeds, sunflower seeds …
1 spoonful of liquid malt (e.g. barley), or cane sugar (if we want to use sweet fruit, there is no need to
sweeten the dough at all)
A big pinch of salt
Lukewarm water – ca 330 ml (this dough should be thinner than ordinary bread dough so that it does
not dry out so quickly)
To make it smoother, we can mix ca 50 g of dried vegetable drink (e.g. buckwheat) into the water.
Dough made with leaven does not burn so easily, compared to ordinary batter (made from flour,
sugar etc.).
If we do not want to add boiled cereals, it is necessary to add at least 100 g of flour more. The cake
dough does not need to be risen so much (compared to bread dough).
According to your taste, mix some grated coconut, cinnamon (ginger spices are very tasty too), flour
(wheat or buckwheat, maize meal, barley flour), a little vegetable fat or oil, malt (or cane sugar, maple
syrup, apple concentrate…). You may add ground nuts etc. If malt is used, it is necessary to dissolve it in
hot fat first.
First we mix leaven with water, then add all other ingredients and mix everything a little. We set the
function “fermentation” in the bread maker - for about 3 hours. Temperature should be at 30°C. The
dough has risen enough when there are little bubbles visible inside. (In case temperature in your kitchen
is above 22 °C, you can spread the dough onto a baking tray, water it a little and let it rise again).
Lay out the baking tray with baking paper and spread the dough onto it – the layer should be quite thin
(this amount should be enough for two medium sized trays). If you do not want to use baking paper,
spread a little vegetable fat or oil on its surface and dust it with flour (or grated coconut).
We put various fruits onto the dough. Depending on what you like, you can combine sweet and sour
fruits (may be also preserved). I would recommend: sweet apples or pears + apricots, plums,
blueberries, strawberries etc. In case the fruit is too juicy, squeeze it a little before you put it onto the
cake. You may thicken it also with some starch (organic “maizena”, arrowroot etc.).
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