In ½ - 1½ hours after baking, you can remove the baking pan (even
without oven gloves) and put a cloth under the glass lids. The cloth is
moistened with emerging drops and prevents the surface to dry. Although
leave the
glass lids in the bread maker 1-2 hours longer, the bread
does not suffer much. If you do not remove
lids in time, drops
will flow down onto the bread. (As you can see with drops, the environment
in the baking pan is not dry and the bread does not dry out.)
Glass lids are chemically tempered but still we do not recommend exposing them to too
large temperature differences or using them for a high-grade baking! Do not put warmed glass lids on
cold or wet surfaces!
If there is a handle that does not allow you to lay lids, remove it.
Styles of baking bread and pastries:
1. Classic method in hot dry heat without a baking pan
(dough must be thicker to maintain the
bread shape which is an undesirable characteristic for a healthy life style).
2. Baking in open baking pans
which allows you to work with thinner dough and the bread is not
3. Baking in baking pans with „saving glass lids“
makes the bread softer, significantly shortens
the baking time and the enclosed space does not allow the bread surface to dry out.
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