San Telequip (P) Ltd.,
504, 505 Deron Heights, Baner Road
Pune 411 045, India
Phone: +91-20-27293455, 9764027070, 8390069393 Connecting. Converting. Leading!
1 - Device Address
2 - Destination Address
3 - Network PAN ID
4 - Data Rate
B - Back To Main <
E - Save & Exit
Enter <1-4/B, E>
Enter 1 to select Device Address then below message will display:
Enter Device Address <0~65000>
B - Back
Enter your desired device ID.
If your device is SC15L/SC15L241 then keep device ID within range of 1 to 99.
If your Device is SC15L APS then keep your device ID above 100.
Based on your requirement select Device Address then enter ‘B’ to go back to
system menu.
Enter 2 to select Destination Address then below message will display:
Enter Destination Address <0~65000>
– Back
Enter your desired destination ID.
If your device is SC15L/SC15L241 then keep destination ID same as of
connected SC15L APS Device ID.
If your Device is SC15L APS then keep your destination ID as 65535.
Based on your requirement select Destination Address then enters
‘B’ to go
back to system menu.
Enter 3 to select Network PAN ID then below message will display:
Enter Network PAN ID <0~65535>
– Back
Enter your network loop number. Device connected with same SC15L APS device
must have same PAN ID.
Based on your requirement select PAN ID then enter ‘B’ to go back to system menu.
Enter 4 to select Data Rate then below message will display :
Enter Device Data Rate 1 = 0.3Kbps, 2 = 0.6Kbps, 3 = 1.0Kbps, 4 = 1.8Kbps, 5 = 3.1Kbps, 6 =
B - Back
Select your desired Data Rate for communication.