San Telequip (P) Ltd.,
504, 505 Deron Heights, Baner Road
Pune 411 045, India
Phone: +91-20-27293455, 9764027070, 8390069393 Connecting. Converting. Leading!
All connected devices must have same data rate to communicate with each
Default Data Rate is 1.
Based on your requirement select System Parameters t
hen enter ‘B’ to go back
to main menu.
5.2.3 Enter ‘3’ to go into Serial Port Settings. Below message will display on
your screen:
Current Baud rate is: 115200
Current Parity is: None
Current Stop Bits is : One
Select Serial Port Menu
1 - Baud Rate
2 - Parity
3 - Stop Bits
B - Back to Main
E - Save & Exit
Enter <1-3/B, E>
Enter 1 to select Baud Rate then below message will display:
Enter desired Baud Rate 3 = 2400 4 = 4800 5 = 9600 6 = 19200 7 = 38400 8 = 57600 9 = 115200
B - Back
Select Baud Rate from above options then your device will again redirect to the Serial
Port Setting Menu.
Enter 2 to select Parity then below message will display:
Enter Parity: 0 = None 1 = Even 2 = Odd
B - Back
Select Parity from above options then your device will again redirect to the Serial Port
Setting Menu.
Enter 3 to select Stop Bits then below message will display:
Enter Stop Bits: 0 = 1 stop bit, 1 = 2 stop bit
B - Back
Select Stop Bits from above options then your device will again redirect to the Serial
Port Setting Menu.
After completing all setting enter ‘E’ to save and Exit from configuration mode.
Again, System Started message will display on your screen and your device is ready
to use with new configuration.