-Window 10 or more -Office(Excel) -Net Frame 4.0 or more(open protocol)
-Desk PC(with PCI Card) “samdsp”:monitoring & Analyzing” ✽“samdspdb”:monitoring & data base”
Main window
Graph window
●Created data for motor protection : Voltage, Current/KW, Earth current,
Isulation resistance, Temperature, Power factor, Unbalance
●Building data base(DB) up based on 485/Modbus network
●Analyzing and managing DB DATA in order to check the motor condition and
to make alarm in case of unstable condition : able to preset alarm level for each factor
●Possible to analyze accurate trip cause through stored data of trip instant in
MWR-S(Motor working Recorder) connected with converter directly
●Office PC is able to do master job without installation for additional Server as master
Motor Preventive Maintenance Diagnostic System(DSP-EFDS)
: VIP-PM/RTM, "samdsp","samdspdb"