4. Control Room Setting : System Matrix
System Matrix basic function
- All On / All Off
: The function allows you to turn off and turn on the display. (LED Module Power on/off)
(3) Toggle Power
Click the 'All Off' button in the Global Control window.
Click the 'All On' button to turn on Module power again.
Note: For XPR, only the LED modules power is on/off.
- Set Brightness
The function allows you to manually adjust the brightness of the display to the desired value.
When the program restarts, the Display will return to the default brightness setting.
(4) Brightness Adjustment
Use the Brightness slider bar to control global brightness.
Each mark on the slider bar represents a 5% change in display brightness.
The left side of the bar is 0% and the right side is 100%.
The Set Brightness XX% button applies the slider bar values to all displays.
Note: The value displayed on the Set Brightness XX% button changes depending on the
slider bar position.
if you press the Set Default button, brightness value turns back to its default setting.