32 WA31273A / WA32543A / WA33203A / WA3216A / WA31083A / WA32162A
If the drive is not already on the desired track, an implied seek is performed. Once at the
desired track, the drive searches for the appropriate ID field.
If retries are disabled and two index pulses have occurred without error free reading of
the requested ID, an ID Not Found error is posted.
If retries are enabled, up to a vender specified number of attempts are made to read the
requested ID before posting an error.
If the ID is read correctly, the data address mark shall be recognized within a specified
number of bytes, or the Address Mark Not Found error is posted. DRQ is always set
prior to data transfer regardless of the presence or absence of an error condition.
At command completion, the Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head, and
sector number of the last sector read in CHS mode, or logical block address in LBA
If an error occurs, the read terminates at the sector where the error occurred. The
Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head, and sector number of the sector
where the error occurred in CHS mode, or logical block address in LBA mode. The
flawed data is pending in the sector buffer.
6-4-15 Read Verify Sector(s) (40h)
This command is identical to the Read Sectors command, except that DRQ is never set,
and no data is transferred to the host. See 6.6.3 for protocol. When the command is
accepted, the drive sets BSY.
When the requested sectors have been verified, the drive clears BSY and generates an
interrupt. Upon command completion, the Command Block Registers contain the
cylinder, head, and sector number of the last sector verified in CHS mode, logical block
address in LBA mode. If an error occurs, the verify terminates at the sector where the
error occurs.
The Command Block Registers contain the cylinder, head, and sector number in CHS
mode, or logical block address in LBA mode where the error occurred. The Sector Count
Register contains the number of sectors not yet verified.
6-4-16 Seek (7xh)
This command initiates a seek to the track and selects the head specified in the
command block. The drive need not be formatted for a seek to execute properly. Refer
to section 6.6.3 for protocol. The drive shall not set DSC=1 until the action of seeking has
completed. The drive may return the interrupt before the seek is completed.
If another command is issued to the drive while a seek is being executed, the drive sets
BSY=1, waits for the seek to complete, and then begins execution of the command.
6-4-17 Set Features (EFh)