Messaging 62
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Email Settings
Use the following options to set Send and Receive settings for Email messages.
From Idle mode, press
Message settings
Sending Options
: allows you to enter the name of the person sending the message.
Sending account
: Requires a description here. This option is not available.
: select the priority level of your messages. Selections are: Urgent, Normal, or Low.
Keep a copy
: when this option is enabled, your phone maintains a copy of all the sent email messages.
Include body when replying
: replies to the message maintaining the original message.
Include attachments when forwarding
: forwards the email message as well as attachments to another receipient.
Request read report
: when this option is enabled, your phone sends a request for a reply along with your message to the
Request delivery report
: allows you to activate or deactivate the report function. When this option is enabled, the network
informs you whether or not your message was delivered.
Add my name card
: attaches your to the Email message.
Add signature
: allows you to attach a signature to this Email message.
Receiving Options
Download limit
: allows you to limit the amount of data that downloads. Selections are: 100 KB, 300 KB, 500 KB, or 5M.