proDuCT feATureS
HD video Quality
Supports up to 1.3 mega pixels of HD video quality.
H.264/mpeG-4/mJpeG multi-Streaming
This network camera supports the H.264/MPEG-4/MJPEG codec and can display videos
in different resolutions and qualities simultaneously with different Codecs.
However, MPEG4 video can not be played on a web page. Use CMS software if you want to play
the video on a web page.
Support various communication protocols
Supports TCP/IP, UDP, RTP/RTSP, email, and FTP protocols as well as various
internet protocols such as ARP, HTTP, HTTPS and DHCP.
web Browser-based monitoring
Using the Internet web browser to display the image in a local network environment.
If an event occurs, the event-related video will be transferred to the FTP/email specified by
the user or saved to the SD memory, or the event signal will be sent to the ALARM OUT
intelligent video Analysis
Analyzes the event video according to the user-specified rules to recognize the event.
onvif (Spec 1.01) Compliance
This product supports ONVIF Core Spec. 1. 01.
For more information, refer to www.onvif.org.
reComenDeD pC SpeCifiCATionS
CPU : Intel(R) Core(TM)2 2.00 GHz or higher
Operating System : Windows XP, VISTA, 7
Mac OS
Resolution : 1280X1024 pixels or higher
RAM : 1GB or higher
Web Browser : Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher
Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari
Video Memory : 128MB or higher