Table of Contents
208 Google
209 Advanced features
210 Link to Windows
211 Motions and gestures
212 Dual Messenger
213 Digital Wellbeing and parental
215 Optimising your device
216 Battery
217 Storage
217 Memory
217 Security
218 Apps
218 General management
219 Accessibility
220 Software update
220 Tips and user manual
221 About phone
222 Troubleshooting
228 Removing the battery
172 Introduction
172 Connections
173 Wi-Fi
175 Bluetooth
176 NFC and payment
178 Data saver
179 Mobile data only apps
179 SIM card manager (dual SIM
180 Mobile Hotspot and Tethering
181 More connection settings
184 Dolby Atmos (surround sound)
184 Separate app sound
186 Blue light filter
187 Dark mode
187 Changing the screen mode or
189 Wallpaper
189 Themes
190 Lock screen
192 Face recognition
195 Fingerprint recognition
198 Samsung Pass
201 Secure Folder