SPS-300 SmartECR Supplement v1.11
SPS-300 Series Program Information
SmartECR Flash ROM Updates
The SPS-300 register software is loaded in Flash ROM. To utilize the SmartECR terminal with the SPS-
300 register, you will need to update the register to the SmartECR software.
The SPS-300 Flash ROM can easily be updated from an SD card.
Flash ROM update must be performed by a qualified, trained technician.
any program loading once it has started. Failure to follow the
procedures exactly may cause the program to load incompletely and for the register to fail completely.
Backup Program
Before you update your register for the SmartECR interface, you will need to back up your current
program. You can use an SD flash memory card to backup and restore individual program files. The
program data is saved on the SD card in a separate folder named with the store name as programmed in
system options, page 18.
The SD card can also be used to save reports, which can then be viewed on a PC using the SPS-300_MPP
PC Utility. However, this report data cannot be restored to the register. The report data is saved in a
separate folder named with current date and time.
NOTE: SD cards must be formatted as FAT 32.
Read Carefully: Store Name Notes
The store name you set at system options page 18 is used to identify the program and report data on the
SD card. Note that the default store name is “STORE_A”. You will want to reprogram the store name to
an 8-character store name of your choosing.
If you are using the SD Card to move information to a PC or use the program or report data with the PC
Utility, you must pay close attention to the store name. Do not use characters such as hyphens “–ˮ slash
marks “/” or other characters that cannot be used in naming a folder on your PC. If you use such a
character in your store name, you will not be able to read the backup files on your PC.
To restore the program, you will need to reset the store name in system options, page 18 to reflect the
same 8-character store name on the SD card.
When restoring program files that were backed up from registers currently using the
standard SPS-300 firmware or mBox firmware, be aware that not all program files are
compatible with the Sterling STE firmware versions. You should never load all programs
backed up from registers using the standard firmware or mBox firmware format. See
“Restore Program from the SD Card” on page 16 for details.