Vanilla Fruit Kebabs with a Quick Creamy Dip
(Serves 4)
½ fresh pineapple or a tin of pineapple chunks
1 small orange
2 bananas
2 peaches or nectarines
1 tsp brown sugar
4 tbsp orange juice
2 small tubs fruit fromage frais
1 tsp vanilla extract
8 wooden skewers, soaked in water then patted dry
Cut the fruit into chunks and marinade for 10 minutes in the orange juice, brown sugar, and
half the vanilla extract. Thread the marinaded fruit chunks on the skewers, and grill for 4-6
minutes. Mix the fromage frais with the other half of the vanilla extract as a dip for the
The Original Burger
(Serves 4)
500g/1lb lean minced beef
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tsp black pepper
1 red onion
4 wholegrain burger buns
tomato, lettuce, dill pickles, etc. to garnish
Combine the mince, Worcestershire sauce and pepper, and shape into 4 burgers.