Vanilla Cupcakes
225g of good quality butter
225g of castor sugar
4 medium eggs
225g of self raising flour
½ Tbsp of natural vanilla extract
1. Separate the cake cases on to your work top.
2. Put the castor sugar, chopped up butter and vanilla into a food processor.
Then add the sieved flour.
3. Mix it all together for about 1 minute until all the ingredients are combined. A
hand held whisk can also be used to do this.
4. Then add the eggs one at a time and slowly mix until soft and creamy.
5. Cook the cupcakes for approximately 8 minutes or until they feel spongy and
6. Repeat the process until all the mixture is used.
Alternative Flavours:
Chocolate cupcakes:
Use the Vanilla cupcake recipe but instead use 195g of flour and
30g of good quality cocoa powder.
Coffee cupcakes:
Use the vanilla cupcake recipe and add 1 tbsp of instant coffee
dissolved in 1 tbsp of warm milk.
Marbled cupcakes:
Make equal amounts of vanilla and chocolate mixture and fill the
piping bag with both. Squeeze into the cases in a circular motion to create swirls.
Lemon cupcakes:
Substitute vanilla extract with lemon extract or alternatively the zest
of 1 lemon.
Simply Creamy Frosting
This can be used as a base for adding flavours or just delicious on its own.
200g full-fat cream cheese at room temperature