NovaChat User’s Guide
Prompt Volume
Use the Prompt Volume option to set how loud the prompt is when
using the device’s speaker or an earphone or headset. This allows you to
set a volume level for prompts that is different from the volume level
for speech.
Settings > Input > Scanning > Auditory Prompts
Prompt Volume
. The Prompt Volume window will open.
To change the volume level, slide your finger along the Prompt Volume
bar or tap the bar at a specific point. Then choose
Excessive volume or sound pressure level when using earphones or
headphones can cause hearing loss over extended periods of time.
Scanning Beep
If you prefer to hear a beep instead of an auditory prompt when you
scan a key, choose
Settings > Input > Scanning > Auditory
Scanning Beep
Button Prompt
Scanning Beep must be turned off to access this option.
The Button Prompt option determines whether the label or message is
spoken as the button prompt. To change the setting, choose
Settings > Input > Scanning > Auditory Prompts
Button Prompt
select either
Speak Label
Speak Message
Row or Group Prompts
Since these prompts may be specific to each page, use Scan Editor to
name the rows or groups for prompting. For details, see “
on page 159.