6.1.1. Checking before commissioning.
Make sure that all connections have done properly with the
correct torque, by respecting the labelling of the equipment
and the instructions of section 5.
Check that the UPS switch and battery module or modules
are turned -«Off»-.
Make sure that all the loads are turned «Off».
Shutdown the loads before starting up the UPS and
turn on the loads one by one when the UPS is started
up only. Before shutting down the UPS, check that all the
loads are turned «Off» and out of service.
It is very important to proceed in the established order.
See figures 1 to 3 for UPS views.
Fig. 23 shows a conceptual switchgear panel with manual
bypass for a parallel system, which illustrates only one
equipment by adapting the quantity of switches.
6.2.1. UPS start up with AC mains present.
Check that the power supply connection is correct.
Supply AC voltage to the equipment (turn the input switch
from switchgear or manual bypass panel to «On». In case
the panel includes output switch turn it «On» too.
Turn the battery switch «On» (models B0 and B1).
Turn the input switch of the UPS «On».
The output terminals will be supplied through the
internal static bypass of the equipment.
The fan or fans, depending on the model, will be turned on.
Next the main start screen will be displayed after the initial
equipment test.
Press over the start up key for more than 0.5 seconds,
the acoustic alarm will beep for 1 sec. and the UPS will be
started up.
After a few seconds, the UPS will be on «Normal mode». If
the input AC voltage is wrong, the UPS will shift to «Battery
mode», with no break in the power supply to the output
terminal strip.
Start up the load or loads, without exceeding the nominal
power rate of the equipment.
6.2.2. UPS start up with no AC mains
(Cold start)
If the switchgear panel is available turn the input and
output switches «On».
Turn the battery switch «On» (models B0 and B1).
Turn the input switch of the UPS «On».
Press over the start up key for more than 0.5 seconds,
the acoustic alarm will beep for 1 sec. and the UPS will be
started up
The fan or fans, depending on the model, will be turned on.
Next the main start screen will be displayed after the initial
equipment test.
After a few seconds, the UPS will be on «Battery mode».
so it has to be considered: their charge level, the remaining
back up time and the risk that means to operate on this
operating mode.
If the AC mains is restored, the UPS will shift to «Normal
mode», with no break at the power supply of the output
Start up the load or loads, without exceeding the nominal
power rate of the equipment.
6.2.3. UPS shutdown with AC mains present.
Shutdown the load or loads.
Press the key for more than 0.5 seconds to shutdown the
inverter. The acoustic alarm will be for 1 sec. The equip-
ment will shift to «Bypass mode».
The output terminals will be supplied through the
internal static bypass stage of the equipment.
To break the UPS output voltage, turn «Off» the input switch
of the UPS or turn «Off» the input and output protections
located in the switchgear distribution panel.
After a few seconds, the LCD panel is off and the equip-
ment will be out of service.
6.2.4. UPS shutdown with no AC mains.
Shutdown the load or loads.
Press the key for more than 0.5 seconds to shutdown the
inverter. The acoustic alarm will beep for 1 sec. The equip-
ment will break the power supply of the output terminals.
After a few seconds, the LCD panel is off and the equip-
ment will be out of service.
To leave the equipment completely isolated, turn the input
and output switches from switchgear panel «Off».
The internal manual bypass in the SLC TWIN PRO2 UPS is
very useful, but a wrong handling can cause irreversible con-
sequences for both UPS and connected loads. Therefore, it is
important to respect the manoeuvring on the switches as it is
described in the following sections.
In case of mains failure, it is not possible to operate on this
6.3.1. Shifting to maintenance bypass.
The procedure to shift from normal mode to maintenance
bypass is the same for single unit and parallel system, less
in the quantity of actions to make:
In case of handling the switches in the different
order as the stated,
it will break the power
supply to the loads and even can cause damage
to the UPSs.
For a single equipment.
Press the start up key for than 0.5 sec. in order to
shutdown the inverter. The acoustic alarm will beep
1 sec. The equipment will shift to «Bypass mode».
For a parallel system.
Press the start up key for than 0.5 sec. in all UPSs
in order to shutdown the inverter. The acoustic