4.2 Parallel Operation
Turn on the UPS of Parallel System
Make sure the power cables and communication cables are correctly. Shown as Fig 2-10,
Fig 2-11, Fig 2-12:
(1) Close external output CB1 and CB2.
(2) Close mains input breakers and bypass input breakers of UPS1 and UPS2, after about 2
minutes, UPS work in parallel mode.
(3) Close external battery breakers.
(4) Turn on load. The load is now powered by parallel system.
Turn off Parallel System
(1) Turn off the connected load. Press the“
”button to transfer to bypass. Open
output breakers. Open mains input and bypass input breakers of all UPS.
(2) If is long backup model, open external battery breakers. After a few seconds, the UPS
will shut down completely.
How to install a new parallel UPS system
(1) Before installing a new parallel UPS system, user need to prepare the input and output
wires, the output breaker, and the parallelcables.
(2) Open the input and output breakers of each UPS. Connect the input wires, output wires and
battery wires.
(3) Connect each UPS one by one with the parallel cables.
(4) Close the battery breakers and the input breakersof all of the UPS in the parallel system in
(5) Turn on each UPS in turn and observe their display. Make sure that each UPSdisplays
normal and all the UPS transfer to the INV mode normally.
How to remove a single UPS from the parallel system
(1)If you need to remove one UPS of the UPSparallel system which is in normal mode, press
the “
” button of the UPS that is confirmed to be removed and the UPS will cut off its
output immediately.
(2)Turn off mains input breaker, bypass input breaker, the external mains input breaker, the
output breaker and the battery breaker.
(3) Press the others UPS’s“
”button. All of them transfer to the Bypass mode.
(4) Remove the parallel cables of the UPS that need to be removed.
(5) Press“
”button of remained UPS to make the UPS transfer to INV output.