Technical features
Advice for limiting exposure to radiofrequency (RF) fields
For individuals concerned about limiting their exposure to RF fields, the World Health Organization (WHO) provides the
following advice:
Precautionary measures: Individuals: Present scientific information does not indicate the need for any special precautions for
the use of mobile phones. If individuals are concerned, they might choose to limit their own or their children’s’ RF exposure by
limiting the length of calls, or using "hands-free" devices to keep mobile phones away from the head and body.
Further information on this subject can be obtained from the WHO home page http://www.who.int/peh-emf WHO Fact sheet
193: June 2000.
*The SAR limit for phones used by the general public is 2 watts/kilogram (2 W/kg) on average for 10 g of tissue. This value
includes a large safety margin to increase protection and to take account of the variations in measurements. The SAR
information may vary in different parts of the world, depending on declared national requirements and the frequency bands used
by the network.
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