WAP (Wireless Application Protocol): protocol that translates the Internet
language into WML language that can be read by a mobile. The WAP function
allows you to log onto certain Internet sites. You can log onto sites that allow
you to download tunes, icons or animated screensavers to your telephone.
The Services menu, a dropdown menu, can be accessed at all times when
navigating through WAP pages.
Select the top left icon using the
up key.
Consult the menu using the right programmable key.
The Services menu contains all the following sub-menus:
Welcome: logs onto the home page.
(carries the name of your access provider)
Bookmarks: is used to save in a phonebook the names and addresses of
Internet sites to facilitate easy access.
You can receive bookmarks from SMS and add them to this list (see chapter
on SMS).
You can also send messages by SMS: select a bookmark, press the right
programmable key (Choice), then select Send by SMS.
Go to URL: this menu allows you to input an Internet address directly.
Inbox: this menu allows you to consult messages sent by the Internet site.
Save image: is used to save a WAP site image (option).
Reload: refreshes the current page.
Clear the cache: clears the stored information on previous logons.
The WAP Menus
The WAP navigator is under
The WAP navigator is the exclusive
property of Openwave. For this
reason, it is forbidden to modify,
translate, disassemble or even
decompile all or part of the software
that makes up the navigator.
You can activate the magnifying
glass to increase the size of the
characters by holding down the
# key.
My-X2 English.book Page 32 Lundi, 26. mai 2003 10:45 10