LRF 7047- Integrator Manual
914929_TML_LRF7047_en_Version B
Public: 04.2019
Confidential & Proprietary
Safran Vectronix AG – All rights reserved
Page: 26/72
4.6 Nitrogen flushing
To avoid condensation or humidity in the optical system, the module is recommended to be operated in a
‘dry’ atmosphere inside a housing. Several ventilation holes are provided in the metal bench holding the
optics, which are covered by small pieces of yellow tape. The pieces of tape are intended to avoid dust
penetrating the optical system and should be removed just before the host system is sealed and purged.
With respect to dust, the unit is recommended to be handled observing standard practices for sensitive
optical components and assembly procedures.
Figure 16: Positions of the ventilation holes
The yellow pieces of tape stop dust penetrating the optical system and shall be removed just
before the host system is sealed and purged.