3.2.3 Concrete 3rd Party
In addition to the part numbers specified in Section 3.2.2, SafetyLink recommends the use of
the following chemical and mechanical fixings for installation of the V-Line Vertical Lifeline
into concrete. Refer to the manufacturer's instruction for proper preparation, installation and
edge distance.
All fixing shall meet the load requirements specified in Section 3.1.3. Consult the
manufacturer for limitations to assess suitability.
Fischer FISH.300 (chemical)
Hilti RE 200 (chemical)
Hilti RE 500 (chemical)
Fischer FAZ II (mechanical)
Hilti HST3 (mechanical)
All chemical and mechanical fixing shall be proof loaded after install as per AS/NZS
1891.4 or the appropriate local regulation.
3.2.4 Steel
For installation on a steel structure, SafetyLink recommends the use of appropriate hex head
screws or bolts meeting the requirements of section 3.2.1. Fixing shall be tightened to 70Nm
and once tight, a minimum of 2 threads shall extend past the end of the nut.
3.2.5 Timber
For installation on a timber structure, SafetyLink recommends the use of appropriate hex
head screws or bolts meeting the requirements of section 3.2.1. Alternatively, for bolting
through larger timbers, threaded rod and nuts may be used. Fixing shall be tightened to
70Nm and once tight, a minimum of 2 threads shall extend past the end of the nut.