Check UAS Belt Tightness
Grasp the child restraint
at the belt path
with one
hand. Push and pull the child
restraint from side to side,
forward and back. The child
restraint should not move
more than 2.5 cm (1 in) and
the UAS belt should not loosen.
If it moves more than 2.5 cm (1 in.) or if the UAS
belt loosens, try reinstalling the child restraint or try
another seating location.
F. Install Rear-Facing with UAS
Tighten UAS Belt
Push down firmly on the child
restraint and pull up on the
free end of the UAS belt to
It may be easier to tighten the
UAS belt through the belt path
opening as shown.
Connect UAS to Vehicle’s
UAS Anchor Bar
The UAS connector’s
red release button
away from child restraint and
the arrows on connectors
face up.
Fasten one UAS connector
to the UAS anchor bar in the
vehicle seat bight. Repeat for
other side of child restraint.
To Remove UAS Belt From
Vehicle UAS Anchor Bar
Remove child from child
restraint. Press down firmly
on child restraint and press
the red release button on
each connector and pull the
connector from the UAS anchor
Rotate Child Restraint to
Correct Recline Angle
For children between 2.3-10
kg (5-22 lb)
, the bottom level
to ground line must be level
with the ground.
For children between 10-18 kg (22-40 lbs) and
are able to sit up unassisted
, rotate the child restraint
between the top and bottom level to ground lines.
Only if needed, you may
use a rolled towel(s) or foam
noodle(s) under the front of
the child restraint where the
vehicle’s seat back meets the
vehicle’s bench seat to get the
correct recline angle.
Recheck Recline Angle
Make sure the child restraint
is properly reclined according
to your child’s weight. Repeat
steps 1 through 6 if it is not
reclined properly.
Secure Child in the Child
4358-6199 Elite Eng.indd 41-42
4358-6199 Elite Eng.indd 41-42
10/11/12 4:11 PM
10/11/12 4:11 PM