Car lift installation, operation and maintenance manual
1.M20 nut, 2.M20 flat pad, 3. main, diagonal column roof, 4. pairs, diagonal column roof, 5. main safety plate, 6. main, diagonal column, rope
breakage insurance
7. second, diagonal column, rope break insurance, 8. rope pulley, 9.M8 flat pad, 10.M8 elastic pad, 11.M8 lock nut, 12.M24*2 lock nut, 13. Steel
cable holder, block 14. Steel cable holder, 15. limit cushion, 16. rope rope pulley, 17. rope break safety shaft, 18. steel wire rope 2660, 19. steel
wire 4090, 20. steel wire 6730 21. Steel cable 8150, 22. oilless bearings 2519
Step 11
Installation of insurance institutions