Car care
4-cyl engine: The expansion tank is trans-
parent to facilitate checking the coolant
When the engine is cold, the coolant shall lie
on or just above the KALT/COLD mark on
the expansion tank (boundary between the
upper and lower sections of the tank, see
Top up with a mixture of equal parts of
Saab-approved concentrated coolant and
clean water. We recommend that you con-
tact an authorized Saab dealer.
If the expansion tank is empty when coolant
is added, run the engine until warm so that
the thermostat opens. Top up the tank
again, as necessary.
V6 engine: The expansion tank is not trans-
parent. The cap must be unscrewed so that
the coolant level can be checked. When the
cap is screwed off there are two level mark-
ings, HOT and COLD.
When the engine is cold, the coolant shall lie
on or just above the COLD mark in the
expansion tank.
Coolant expansion tank, V6 engine
Level markings, V6 engine
Coolant expansion tank, 4-cyl engine
93_US_7carcare_MY09.fm Page 211 Tuesday, April 15, 2008 11:26 AM