door should be less than 90 kg, the width of the door should be reduced by 0.1
meters, and the weight can be increased by 10 Kg. By analogy, the width of the
door with 1.1 meters can reach 140 Kg, slightly overweight will not affect the life of
the door opener. But it will affect the opening/closing speed.
B. Installation must be carried out according to the size provided in the instructions.
Improper Installation will directly cause the door opener to fail to work properly
and damage the equipment in serious cases.
C. During installation, it is forbidden to
change the structure of the door
opener. and no holes can be made in the shell to avoid water and air entering and
causing electronic and electrical components failure.
2.1 Installation of mechanical part of door opener .
2.1.1 Installation instructions:
A. Distinction of left/right door opening: Clockwise door opening direction is left
door, conversely, counter-clockwise door opening direction is right door .
B. The door opener should be mounted vertically with the door post. Pay
attention to the rotation direction of the connecting rod. Installation is as follows:
Left Open Door: