2.0 TCT Telegramm (Transmit Command Telegram)
Bit 7 .............Bit 0
SB 1 .............0xA5
SB 2 .............0x5A
Typ ................AB
ORG .............AC
DB 3 ............00
DB 2 ............00
DB 1 ............00
DB 0 ............00
ID3 ...............TG-ID3
ID2 ...............TG-ID2
ID1 ...............TG-ID1
ID0 ...............TG-ID0
Chks .............Check sum
Station ACK prüfen
(TCT Transmit Command Telegram)
The master sends this telegram to the gateway,
after a telegram received from the gateway could be processed successfully.
In bytes ID3 through ID0, the transmitter ID number is indicated
that the master had successfully received before.
Bit 7 .............Bit 0
SB 1 .............0xA5
SB 2 .............0x5A
Typ ................AB
ORG .............B0
DB 3 ............00
DB 2 ............00
DB 1 ............00
DB 0 ............00
ID3 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID2 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID1 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID0 ...............ID No. of gateway
Chks .............Check sum
Master Get SW Version
(TCT Transmit Command Telegram)
Query by the master to the gateway’s subscriber ID number asking
for the current software version.
Bit 7 .............Bit 0
SB 1 .............0xA5
SB 2 .............0x5A
Typ ................AB
ORG .............B3
DB 3 ............New ID No. of transmitter
DB 2 ............New ID No. of transmitter
DB 1 ............New ID No. of transmitter
DB 0 ............New ID No. of transmitter
ID3 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID2 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID1 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID0 ...............ID No. of gateway
Chks .............Check sum
Master Set ID to INFI Element @Ind
(TCT Transmit Command Telegram)
Master setting a new transmitter ID number in the input filter
of the gateway’s subscriber ID number.
Till version 080724:
The gateway must be in LRN mode to enable that (using button S3).
From version 080831.05:
The gateway does not have to be in LRN mode.
DB3 - DB0 (transmitter ID number) → New transmitter ID number
to be added to the input filter.
Status (Ind) → Index position number in the input filter,
possible range 1... 20 h
Bit 7 .............Bit 0
SB 1 .............0xA5
SB 2 .............0x5A
Typ ................AB
ORG .............B4
DB 3 ............00
DB 2 ............00
DB 1 ............00
DB 0 ............00
ID3 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID2 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID1 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID0 ...............ID No. of gateway
Chks .............Check sum
Master Get INFI Element
(TCT Transmit Command Telegram)
Query by the master requesting current transmitter ID number in the input filter
of the gateway’s subscriber ID number.
Status (Ind) → Index position number of the storage position in the input filter that is to be read,
possible range 1... 20 h
Bit 7 .............Bit 0
SB 1 .............0xA5
SB 2 .............0x5A
Typ ................AB
ORG .............B4
DB 3 ............00
DB 2 ............00
DB 1 ............00
DB 0 ............00
ID3 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID2 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID1 ...............ID No. of gateway
ID0 ...............ID No. of gateway
Chks .............Check sum
Master Get INFI Size ⁄ Mode
(TCT Transmit Command Telegram)
Query of the values in the input filter of the gateway’s subscriber ID number.
Status (FF) → Code for query