Indicating elements
LED L1 Power supply
LED L1 illuminated .............................. Power supply correct
LED L1 not illuminated ....................... No power applied, or power supply inside gateway
LED L2 Data communication
LED L2 flickering ................................ Data communication via RS485 bus is taking place
LED L2 not illuminated ....................... No data communication via RS485 bus is taking place
LED L3 Learning mode and input filter
LED L3 not illuminated ....................... Normal Operating mode is active
LED L3 illuminated ............................ Learning mode is active
LED L3 flickering ................................ Input filter is being deleted
LED L4 Malfunction indication
Malfunctions are indicated by periodical flashing packets.
LED L4 not illuminated ....................... No malfunction present
LED L4 flashing periodically 2 x ....... No ACK telegram was received by the master
LED L4 flashing periodically 3 x ....... Receive buffer is full,
neither RMT nor RRT telegrams to the master are ⁄ were possible
LED L4 flashing periodically 5 x ....... Receive buffer is full,
corresponding telegram was sent to the master
LED L5 diverse messages
LED L5 can be used by the master arbitrarily.
Communication principle
All radio frequency gateways in one and the same RS485 network must be preset to the same baud rate. Each gateway must be provided
with a subscriber ID number. These subscriber ID numbers as well as also the communication parameters can be set from the master
(PC, PLC, or controller system via software commands.
At delivery all gateways have the factory-set subscriber ID number “FFFFFF80h”. For setting communication parameters, you can also
download our commissioning software at our website www.spluss.de.
Assignment of subscriber ID numbers
The possible range of subscriber ID numbers ranges from FF800000h to FFFFFF80h. Since based on the subscriber ID number, altogether
128 radio telegrams can be sent by each gateway, the subscriber address must differ from gateway to gateway by the value of 80h.
So as an example for 5 gateways as follows:
Gateway ........... Subscriber ID number
1 ........................ FF800000h
2 ........................ FF800080h
3 ........................ FF800100h
4 ........................ FF800180h
5 ........................ FF800200h
Caution! In order to prevent abuse, the subscriber ID number can be changed only 10 times at the maximum.
Telegram structure
All transmit and receive telegrams have the same structure following the EnOcean standard telegram and comprise altogether 14 bytes.
General telegram structure
0xA5 ................. Sync byte 1
0x5A ................. Sync byte 2
Typ ..................... Telegram type
Org .................... Transmitter type
Data 3 .............. Data depending on transmitter type
Data 2 .............. Data depending on transmitter type
Data 1 .............. Data depending on transmitter type
Data 0 .............. Data depending on transmitter type
ID 3 ................... ID number of transmitter
ID 2 ................... ID number of transmitter
ID 1 ................... ID number of transmitter
ID 0 ................... ID number of transmitter
Status ............... Status
Cks .................... Sum LSB (type down to status including)