6. The alarm time is now fully programmed and the alarm symbol will appear on and also
the selected alarm source will be fl ashing to indicate that the alarm function is “active”.
(Display shows as follows with blue backlight “off”)
7. The set will now automatically switch “on” at the wake-up time as you have chosen, as
long as the alarm function is “active”.
8. To turn off the unit after it has automatically switched on, simply press the
key once. This will switch off the set but will not clear the alarm settings, and the set
will switch on again automatically on the next day at exactly the same preset time.
9. To deactivate the alarm, press & release the
key. The alarm symbol “
disappears from the display.
10. To activate the alarm again, repeat the procedure of “alarm time setting” as described.
If the alarm is set as wake to iPod, you will need to connect the iPod properly as described. Otherwise,
the buzzer alarm will sound at the set time if the iPod has not be connected.
The alarm set-up mode, where the symbol “
” is fl ashing, will time-out if there is no input for 3
seconds and return to “standby mode”.
Should the alarm set-up mode time-out, the alarm symbol “
” will not be displayed and the alarm
time setting instructions will have to be repeated for the alarm to be set.