R&D department
If the immobilizer is successfully reset, the response will be:
immobilizer reset
This SMS command allows to set the DIN mode (Positive mode or Negative mode) for configurable DINs
(DIN3 or DIN4)
SMS command
SMS command structure:
pass setdinmode <din#> <mode>
- can have the following values:
3 – selects DIN3
4 - selects DIN4
<mode> - can have the followi
ng values:
0 – positive trigger inputs (positive mode);
1 – ground trigger inputs (negative mode);
SMS command example
pass setdinmode 3 1 –
this SMS command will set DIN 3 to ground (negative) mode
If DIN# was set to ground (negative) mode, response will be:
DIN mode set: DIN# - positive mode;
If DIN# was set to positive mode, response will be:
DIN mode set: DIN# - positive mode;
If the device does not support configuration of DINs or wrong DIN mode is specified, the following responses can be
DIN mode set: configuration of DIN# is not supported;
DIN mode set: incorrect DIN specified;
DIN mode set: incorrect DIN mode specified;
Configurable DIN functionality is not available for your HW version.
This SMS command allows to receive information on the configuration of the specified DIN. This applies
only to configurable DINs.
SMS command
SMS command structure:
pass getdinmode <DIN#>
<DIN#> - can have the following values:
3 – information for DIN3
4 – information for DIN4
SMS command example
pass getdinmode 3 –
This SMS command will provide information on the DIN3 configured mode.
DIN# - positive mode;