Q19: No SSID Signal Is Detected for the Fit AP & Fat AP
Prerequisite: The configuration of the fit AP or fat AP is correct and signals that have been sent can be displayed after
the sh dot11 mb command is executed.
The collected information is as follows:
show wbs-bssm radio-status
show wbs-bssm wlan-status
show wbs-bssm vap-status
show wbs-bssm error-log
cat /proc/net/dev
cat /proc/interrupt
Q20: High CPU Usage of the AC
When the CPU usage of the AC is high, collect the following information (the operations described in quotation marks do not
need to be performed):
======Collect the following information when no fault symptom appears============
show running-config
2.show ap running
3.show ap-config summary
4.show ac-config client
========Collect the following information when fault symptoms appear============
1. show running-config
2. show cpu
3. debug web stat iportal
(If the debug function is not enabled, the following information does not need to be collected.)
4. debug web-auth show
5. show cpu-pro type tcp80
6. show tcp connect statistic
7. run-system-shell
pgrep wbamain (-->Display the ID of the Web authentication process, for example, 1239.)
top -H -p 1239