Operating instructions for PODOLOG NOVA 3s | REV. 0
The magnetic field strength of stationary transmitters such as base stations for
radio telephones and mobile terrestrial radio equipment, amateur radio stations,
AM and FM radio and television stations cannot in theory be as-sessed in ad-
vance. A study of the location should be taken into account in order to ascertain
the electromagnetic environment with respect to the sta-tionary transmitters. If
the magnetic field strength measured at the location where the equipment shall
be used exceeds the above specified conform-ance level, we recommend close
observation of the equipment in order to prove functioning for the intended pur-
pose. Should unusual performance features become apparent, additional mea-
sures may become necessary e.g. a shift or a complete change of position of
the equipment.
Above a frequency range of 150 kHz to 80 MHz the magnetic field strength
should be less than 3V/m.
The local
field intensity of station-ary
radio transmitters, according to a test,
should be lower than the accordance
at all frequen-cies.
Disturbances are possible around
devices which are labelled with the
following icon.
NOTE 1: With 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2: These guidelines are not applicable in all cases. The propagation of electro-
magnetic dis-turbances is influenced by the absorption and reflection of buildings, other
devices and human beings.