Realtimes Beijing Technology Co.,LTD.
Rtso-9003 user manual version V2.0
paid customized development service of hardware carrier board to shorten your product development
Please email the request to [email protected]
Data acquisition and subsequent update
1. Access to information
Download on our website
The company's website contains supporting information of its products, including product user
manual, NVIDIA Jetson series module data manual, BSP driver support package for carrier
board, supporting peripheral driver files, interface test verification method, FAQ, system burning
guide, etc.
get into , select "data download" in the navigation
bar, find the data you need, and click download.
2. . Subsequent updates
Updates of subsequent documents, BSP, driver files and other official account will be updated in
time. We will pay close attention to our developments in order to ensure that your information is up to
date. We will push through WeChat public.